Last Saturday (4/8/2023) at Arlington Reservoir, our activities continued with work done by amazing volunteers and two determined scout troops.
First, Jenifer Tidwell and 6-8 volunteers worked together in the native species garden, bringing in more native species and increasing the diversity of plants. Regarding the garden, Jennifer created the garden designs and brought plants funded by donations to the Reservoir Committee. With her leadership, they cleared the paths for easier access today and planted the following: Little Bluestem grass (Schizachyrium), wild strawberries, Perennial sunflowers, swamp milkweed, Penstemons, groundnuts, and coneflowers.
Secondly, one of the groups with 4-6 volunteers led by Michael Ratner cut oriental bittersweet, an invasive species that tend to be destructive to trees/shrubs. By cutting oriental bittersweet, the group was able to prevent some of the adverse effects of these girdling vines.
Thirdly, with about seven volunteers in each, two groups worked together near the beach area and between the spillway, led by George Stephans and Mary Diaz-Pryzbl. The volunteers removed water chestnut seeds, an invasive aquatic species, from the side banks of the reservoir. In total, they gathered about six cubic yards of water chestnuts!
Our next April workday is planned for Saturday April 22 – Earthday!